新闻出版商的数据库大小? 时间:2018-01-25 作者:Angel My site is focused on gaming news and tips & tricks. Recently I had an issue where my hosting provider told me my site was using a lot of resources on the shared server. After a database cleanup everything is fine, but I am a bit worried how much time will it take until I have to move to a bigger hosting solution.How do big news website deal with this?Is there a way to have multiple small databases to load my wordpress content?Thanks! 1 个回复 SO网友:Mark Kaplun 您的问题很可能不是大小本身,而是如何进行查询。这可能是由于非最佳代码或不良的DB结构造成的。与所有优化一样,您首先需要找到实际的瓶颈,然后决定是修复代码,还是干脆放弃该功能。在任何情况下,如果您关心性能或避免人为限制,您不应该在共享主机上托管,而应该使用VPS。 结束 文章导航