
时间:2018-03-23 作者:glvr

我正在尝试改编Codex\'template include\' 对于多个条件实例。


add_filter( \'template_include\', \'set_templates\', 99 );

function set_templates( $template ) {

if ( is_page( \'example_1\' )  ) {
$new_template = locate_template( \'templates/example-1.php\' ) );

elseif ( is_page( \'example_2\' )  ) {
$new_template = locate_template( \'templates/example-2.php\' ) );

elseif ( is_single( \'example_3\' )  ) {
$new_template = locate_template( \'templates/example-3.php\' ) );

if ( \'\' != $new_template ) {
return $new_template ;

return $template;

“if(“”!=$new\\u template)”是什么意思?

1 个回复


 * Adds the function "set_templates" to the "template_include" filter with a
 * prioritiy of 99 (default is 10).
 * What this means is that whenever WordPress runs the filter "template_link",
 * your function "set_templates" will be called and the value that is about to
 * be returned for "template_link" could be modified by your code.
 * In WordPress, this fitler gets called in wp-includes/template-loader.php 
 * after WordPress does all of it\'s internal "magic" to figure out which template
 * to use.
 * The priority of 99 tells WordPress to run the filter later than most other
 * filter functions, meaning yours will likely be the last to run unless you
 * have another plugin somewhere with a higher (>99) priority.
add_filter( \'template_include\', \'set_templates\', 99 );

 * Maybe set a template if we\'re on certain pages.
 * @param  string $template The template that WP is going to use.
 * @return string A template file path
function set_templates( $template ) {

    // Initialize the $new_template variable to an empty string.
    $new_template = \'\';

    // is_page will return "true" if the passed parameter matches the current page query.
    if ( is_page( \'example_1\' )  ) {
        // If we match the query for \'example_1\', for example, then we set the
        // new template path to the value of locate_template.
        $new_template = locate_template( \'templates/example-1.php\' ) );
    } elseif ( is_page( \'example_2\' )  ) {
        $new_template = locate_template( \'templates/example-2.php\' ) );
    } elseif ( is_single( \'example_3\' )  ) {
        $new_template = locate_template( \'templates/example-3.php\' ) );

    // If we get a value for the new template, stop here and return it.
    if ( \'\' !== $new_template ) {
        return $new_template ;

    // Otherwise, return the original template.
    return $template;
我的代码和您的原始代码有一个重要的区别,那就是我们正在设置$new_template = \'\' 在函数开始时,对空字符串的检查从松散的比较更改为!= 进行严格的比较!==.

这样做的原因是,松散的比较本质上允许您做一些依赖于PHP的事情,只是“随波逐流”。事先,说你从来没有打过locate_template 块-$new_template 永远不会被定义。对未定义的空字符串进行松散检查是可行的,但这也可能会给PHP带来一些问题:

php -a
Interactive shell

php > var_dump($not_defined == \'\');
PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: not_real in php shell code on line 1
PHP Stack trace:
PHP   1. {main}() php shell code:0

Notice: Undefined variable: not_real in php shell code on line 1

Call Stack:
    7.2574     352080   1. {main}() php shell code:0

php shell code:1:
php >
正如你所见,$not_defined 大致等于空字符串\'\', 然而PHP抛出了Notice 因为$not_defined 从未定义。在您的情况下,设置$new_template 首先清空字符串可以避免任何PHP投诉,并且locate_template 返回模板路径的字符串或空字符串\'\', 最后我们可以进行严格的比较。

要回答您关于这种比较的问题,$new_template !== \'\' 是说“如果我们对$new_template 这是一个非空字符串,请返回该字符串。“否则,控制流将通过if 语句块并返回原始$template WordPress最初计划使用。

  • add_filter - https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/add_filter/
  • is_page - https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/is_page/
  • locate_template - https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/locate_template/
  • 替代方案(更新)


    > ls wp-content
      ... // Other files



    Taxonomy Templates

    我不太明白如何链接到我的分类法模板。我需要做一个临时页面并从那里查询我的条款吗?我当前正在使用分类层次结构:Taxonomy$labels = array( \'name\' => __( \'Product Categories\' ), \'singular_name\' => __( \'Product Category\' ), \'search_items\' =>