
时间:2018-04-24 作者:Tom J Nowell

我知道我不能保证没有注册的电子邮件是有效的,但我注意到一个有问题的用户想要使用troll@example.com 电子邮件地址。


A.wp_die(\'you must use a real email\'); 可能会成功,但应该在什么时候进行检查?

1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:birgire 整理而成


 * Filters a comment\'s approval status before it is set.
 * @since 2.1.0
 * @since 4.9.0 Returning a WP_Error value from the filter will shortcircuit comment insertion and
 *              allow skipping further processing.
 * @param bool|string|WP_Error $approved    The approval status. Accepts 1, 0, \'spam\' or WP_Error.
 * @param array                $commentdata Comment data.
$approved = apply_filters( \'pre_comment_approved\', $approved, $commentdata );
我们可以通过以下方式尝试电子邮件域解析器Gabriel Livan:

add_filter( \'pre_comment_approved\', function( $approved, $commentdata ) {
    $domain = substr( strrchr( $commentdata[\'comment_author_email\'], \'@\' ), 1 );
    $banned_domains = [
    if ( in_array( $domain, $banned_domains ) ) {
        wp_die( __( \'Please use a real email!\' ) );
        //return new WP_Error( \'comment_real_email\', __( \'Please use a real email!\' ) );
    return $approved;
}, 10, 2 );
在哪里$banned_domains 是要在保存到数据库之前停止的电子邮件域列表。


 * Filters a comment\'s data before it is sanitized and inserted into the database.
 * @since 1.5.0
 * @param array $commentdata Comment data.
$commentdata = apply_filters( \'preprocess_comment\', $commentdata );
