如何将Bootstrap Tour JavaScript添加到WordPress管理面板仪表板小部件

时间:2018-07-18 作者:William Jerome



1 个回复

Step-1 → Download:


Step-2 → Tour setup script:

按照中的说明操作bootstraptour 对于the Tour setup script. 例如,下面的脚本将在WordPress管理面板主仪表板(页面加载)上加载教程,并显示默认WP的教程Activity &;At a Glance 小部件:

Note: 查看代码中的注释以了解更多说明:

// bootstrap-tour.js file
(function($) {

    var tour = new Tour({
        backdrop: true,
        steps: [
            element: "#dashboard_right_now",
            title: "Summary Widget.",
            content: "This widget shows the summary of your WP installation."
            element: "#dashboard_activity",
            title: "Activity Widget.",
            content: "This is WP Dashboard Activity Widget."


    // This will load on each page load or refresh.
    // You may want to change this behaviour according to your need.
    // e.g. show the tour on a click even of a custom notice or button
    // within admin panel dashboard.
    $( window ).load( function() {
        tour.start( true );
})( jQuery );

Step-3 → Load the Script in Admin Panel:

使用admin_enqueue_scripts 钩子在管理面板面板中添加引导程序CSS和JS文件,如主题中的以下代码functions.php 文件:

function wpse308865_bootstrap_tour_enqueue_scripts( $admin_page ) { 
    if ( \'index.php\' != $admin_page ) { 
        // so basically we\'re allowing the tour only on the main dashboard
        // change this if you want it elsewhere as well.
    // this is bootstrap tour css and js file inside theme\'s directory
    wp_register_style( \'bootstrap_tour_css\', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . \'/bootstrap-tour-standalone.min.css\', false, \'1.0\' );
    wp_enqueue_style( \'bootstrap_tour_css\' );
    wp_enqueue_script( \'bootstrap_tour_js\', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . \'/bootstrap-tour-standalone.min.js\', array( \'jquery\' ), \'1.0\' );

    // this is the custom bootstrap tour loading script inside theme\'s directory
    wp_enqueue_script( \'bootstrap_tour\', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . \'/bootstrap-tour.js\', array( \'bootstrap_tour_js\' ), \'1.0\' );
add_action( \'admin_enqueue_scripts\', \'wpse308865_bootstrap_tour_enqueue_scripts\' );
<小时>Note: 这只是一个如何添加CSS的演示&;主题中WordPress管理面板面板中引导程序的JavaScript代码。显然,您必须相应地调整上述代码以满足您的需要。



Js errors in wp-admin

我在wp admin中有很多js错误,例如,我在帖子或页面中看不到visual composer,我无法向小部件添加框,等等。我在所有wp admin页面中都遇到了这些错误。我更新了wp和所有插件,但什么都没更新。我怎样才能解决这个问题?ThanksAle公司