WordPress默认不提供日期选择器块,但在核心中有日期组件。您需要调用相关组件才能使日期选择器工作。下面是core的代码Date Component
import { DateTimePicker } from \'@wordpress/components\';
import { getSettings } from \'@wordpress/date\';
import { withState } from \'@wordpress/compose\';
const MyDateTimePicker = withState( {
date: new Date(),
} )( ( { date, setState } ) => {
const settings = getSettings();
// To know if the current timezone is a 12 hour time with look for "a" in the time format.
// We also make sure this a is not escaped by a "/".
const is12HourTime = /a(?!\\\\)/i.test(
.toLowerCase() // Test only the lower case a
.replace( /\\\\\\\\/g, \'\' ) // Replace "//" with empty strings
.split( \'\' ).reverse().join( \'\' ) // Reverse the string and test for "a" not followed by a slash
return (
currentDate={ date }
onChange={ ( date ) => setState( { date } ) }
locale={ settings.l10n.locale }
is12Hour={ is12HourTime }
} );