
时间:2018-10-25 作者:uruk

出于设计/功能方面的原因,我想更改core/image 挡块位于前端。我知道可以这样做,但有点重:


// add my own render function for the core/image-block
register_block_type( \'core/image\', [
    \'render_callback\' => \'myCustomImageOutput\'
] );

function myCustomImageOutput( $attributes, $content ) {
    // thankfully, the ID is saved in $attributes
    $id = $attributes[ \'id\' ];

    // all the other information is saved in $content as HTML
    // so one possible solution would be to parse it with DomDocument
    // and get all the values
    $dom = new DomDocument();

    // create custom image html

    // return custom image html
    return $customImageHtml;

1 个回复

作为对@RiddleMeThis, 通过解析core/image-阻止使用DOMDocument:

In the init-Hook, register your custom output function:

register_block_type( \'core/image\', [
    \'render_callback\' => \'myImageOutput\'
] );

Define your custom output function:

在此函数中,渲染默认输出($content) 作为第二个参数传递。可悲的是,第一个论点(是$attributes) 缺少必需的信息(附件ID和链接目的地除外)。

function myImageOutput( $attributes, $content ) {
    // $content contains e.g.
    // <!-- wp:image {"id":123,"linkDestination":"custom"} -->
    // <figure class="wp-block-image"><a href="https://www.example.com"><img src="path/to/my/image.jpg" alt="Alternative text here" class="wp-image-123"/></a><figcaption>Caption goes here</figcaption></figure>
    // <!-- /wp:image -->

    // prepare array for all info. Note: alignment and customized 
    // size are ignored here since it was not required in this case
    $info = [
        \'title\' => \'\',
        \'imagUrl\' => \'\',
        \'blank\' => FALSE,
        \'url\' => \'\',
        \'caption\' => \'\',

    // Fortunately, the attachment id is saved in $attributes, so 
    // we can get the image\'s url
    $infos[ \'imageUrl\' ] = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attributes[ \'id\' ], \'your-size\' )[ 0 ];

    // we get the remaining info by loading the html via DOMDocument
    libxml_use_internal_errors( TRUE );
    $dom = new DOMDocument();
    $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE;
    $dom->loadHtml( mb_convert_encoding( $content, \'HTML-ENTITIES\', \'UTF-8\' ) );

    // get the figure element       
    $figure = $dom->getElementsByTagName( \'figure\' )[ 0 ];

    // alternatively, get the image title or description etc. 
    // by querying it from the database
    $infos[ \'title\' ] = $figure->getElementsByTagName( \'img\' )[ 0 ]->getAttribute( \'alt\' );

    // if we have a custom url on the image
    if ( isset( $attributes[ \'linkDestination\' ] ) && $attributes[ \'linkDestination\' ] == \'custom\' ) {
        $a = $figure->getElementsByTagName( \'a\' )[ 0 ];
        $infos[ \'url\' ] = $a->getAttribute( \'href\' );
        $infos[ \'blank\' ] = strpos( $infos[ \'url\' ], get_home_url() ) !== 0;

    // caption, also see https://stackoverflow.com/a/2087136/1107529
    // because the caption can contain html
    $figCaption = $figure->getElementsByTagName( \'figcaption\' );
    if ( count( $figCaption ) ) {
        $caption = \'\';
        foreach ( $figCaption[ 0 ]->childNodes as $child ) {
            $caption .= $dom->saveHTML( $child );
        $infos[ \'caption\' ] = $caption;

    // create your custom html output here. In my case, I passed the 
    // info to a vue component
    $html = sprintf( \'<my-custom-vue-component :info="%s"></my-custom-vue-component>\', 
                esc_attr( json_encode( $info ) ) );

    return $html;


