我尝试了一些库,比如ZContent iCalendar和在github上找到的PHP脚本,这些脚本包含在插件代码中。脚本运行良好,我可以获得有效的输出。问题是我不知道如何生成ics文件并使用wp\\U mail功能将其附加到电子邮件。
* ICS.php
* =======
* Use this class to create an .ics file.
* Usage
* -----
* Basic usage - generate ics file contents (see below for available properties):
* $ics = new ICS($props);
* $ics_file_contents = $ics->to_string();
* Setting properties after instantiation
* $ics = new ICS();
* $ics->set(\'summary\', \'My awesome event\');
* You can also set multiple properties at the same time by using an array:
* $ics->set(array(
* \'dtstart\' => \'now + 30 minutes\',
* \'dtend\' => \'now + 1 hour\'
* ));
* Available properties
* --------------------
* description
* String description of the event.
* dtend
* A date/time stamp designating the end of the event. You can use either a
* DateTime object or a PHP datetime format string (e.g. "now + 1 hour").
* dtstart
* A date/time stamp designating the start of the event. You can use either a
* DateTime object or a PHP datetime format string (e.g. "now + 1 hour").
* location
* String address or description of the location of the event.
* summary
* String short summary of the event - usually used as the title.
* url
* A url to attach to the the event. Make sure to add the protocol (http://
* or https://).
class WP_ICS{
const DT_FORMAT = \'Ymd\\THis\\Z\';
protected $properties = array();
private $available_properties = array(
public function __construct($props) {
public function set($key, $val = false) {
if (is_array($key)) {
foreach ($key as $k => $v) {
$this->set($k, $v);
} else {
if (in_array($key, $this->available_properties)) {
$this->properties[$key] = $this->sanitize_val($val, $key);
public function to_string() {
$rows = $this->build_props();
return implode("\\r\\n", $rows);
private function build_props() {
// Build ICS properties - add header
$ics_props = array(
\'PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN\',
// Build ICS properties - add header
$props = array();
foreach($this->properties as $k => $v) {
$props[strtoupper($k . ($k === \'url\' ? \';VALUE=URI\' : \'\'))] = $v;
// Set some default values
$props[\'DTSTAMP\'] = $this->format_timestamp(\'now\');
$props[\'UID\'] = uniqid();
// Append properties
foreach ($props as $k => $v) {
$ics_props[] = "$k:$v";
// Build ICS properties - add footer
$ics_props[] = \'END:VEVENT\';
$ics_props[] = \'END:VCALENDAR\';
return $ics_props;
private function sanitize_val($val, $key = false) {
switch($key) {
case \'dtend\':
case \'dtstamp\':
case \'dtstart\':
$val = $this->format_timestamp($val);
$val = $this->escape_string($val);
return $val;
private function format_timestamp($timestamp) {
$dt = new DateTime($timestamp);
return $dt->format(self::DT_FORMAT);
private function escape_string($str) {
return preg_replace(\'/([\\,;])/\',\'\\\\\\$1\', $str);
class iCalBooking{
public function init(){
add_action(\'admin_post_forward_booking_request\', array($this, \'send_booking_request\'));
add_action(\'admin_post_nopriv_forward_booking_request\', array($this, \'send_booking_request\'));
add_shortcode(\'booking\', array($this, \'display_booking_form\'));
public function display_booking_form(){
include_once \'booking-form.php\';
private function has_valid_nonce() {
if(!isset( $_POST[\'booking_nonce\'] )){
return false;
$field = wp_unslash( $_POST[\'booking_nonce\'] );
$action = \'validate_booking_request\';
return wp_verify_nonce( $field, $action );
public function send_booking_request(){
if(! ( $this->has_valid_nonce() ) ){
$fname = $_POST[\'client_fname\'];
$lname = $_POST[\'client_lname\'];
$phone = $_POS[\'client_phone\'];
$email = $_POST[\'client_email\'];
$title = \'Prenotazione\';
$description = $fname . $lname . $phone . $email;
$ics = new WP_ICS(array(
\'location\' => \'\',
\'description\' => $description,
\'dtstart\' => $_POST[\'client_checkin\'],
\'dtend\' => $_POST[\'client_checkout\'],
\'summary\' => \'\',
\'url\' => \'\'
file_put_contents(\'reservation.ics\', $ics->to_string() );
#header(\'Content-Type: text/calendar; charset=utf-8\');
#header(\'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=reservation.ics\');
$booking = new iCalBooking;
使用#2中的变量for wp\\u mail()发送邮件这是您的类中的函数和我的补充:
public function send_booking_request(){
if(! ( $this->has_valid_nonce() ) ){
$fname = $_POST[\'client_fname\'];
$lname = $_POST[\'client_lname\'];
$phone = $_POS[\'client_phone\'];
$email = $_POST[\'client_email\'];
$title = \'Prenotazione\';
$description = $fname . $lname . $phone . $email;
$ics = new WP_ICS(array(
\'location\' => \'\',
\'description\' => $description,
\'dtstart\' => $_POST[\'client_checkin\'],
\'dtend\' => $_POST[\'client_checkout\'],
\'summary\' => \'\',
\'url\' => \'\'
// You need to specify the path here so you can use it later to get the attachment
$uploads = wp_upload_dir();
$path = $uploads[\'path\'];
file_put_contents( $path . \'/reservation.ics\', $ics->to_string() );
// Set up email
$to = \'[email protected]\';
$subject = "reservation file";
$message = "Please see attached reservation.";
$headers = \'From: My Name <[email protected]>\' . "\\r\\n";
$attachments = array( $path . \'/reservation.ics\' );
// Send the email.
wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers, $attachments );
#header(\'Content-Type: text/calendar; charset=utf-8\');
#header(\'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=reservation.ics\');