
时间:2019-04-04 作者:Jonathan Stegall


现有选项确定渲染字段的频率(在本例中,是MailChimp API集成为API中的每个列表渲染字段,该列表是存储的API数据的几层)。


我尝试的另一件事是硬编码大嵌套外最后六个字段的完整ID值foreach. 然后字段保存其数据。


add_action( \'admin_init\', array( $this, \'admin_settings_form\' ) );

* Register items for the settings api
* @return void
public function admin_settings_form() {

    $get_data = filter_input_array( INPUT_GET, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );
    $page     = isset( $get_data[\'tab\'] ) ? sanitize_key( $get_data[\'tab\'] ) : \'minnpost_mailchimp_settings\';
    $section  = isset( $get_data[\'tab\'] ) ? sanitize_key( $get_data[\'tab\'] ) : \'minnpost_mailchimp_settings\';

    $this->form_settings( \'form_settings\', \'form_settings\' );


private function form_settings( $page, $section ) {
    $form_sections = $this->setup_form_sections();
    $settings      = array();
    if ( ! empty( $form_sections ) ) {
        foreach ( $form_sections as $key => $value ) {
            $section = $key;
            // translators: 1 is the name of the shortcode
            $title = sprintf( \'Shortcode: [%1$s]\',
                esc_attr( strtolower( $value ) )

            $page = $section;
            add_settings_section( $section, $title, null, $page );

            $settings[ $section . \'_resource_type\' ] = array(
                \'title\'    => __( \'Resource type\'),
                \'callback\' => \'display_select\',
                \'page\'     => $page,
                \'section\'  => $section,
                \'args\'     => array(
                    \'type\'     => \'select\',
                    \'items\'    => $this->get_resource_types(),
            $resource_type                           = get_option( $this->option_prefix . \'newsletter_form_resource_type\', \'\' );
            $settings[ $section . \'_resource_id\' ]   = array(
                \'title\'    => __( \'Resource name\' ),
                \'callback\' => \'display_select\',
                \'page\'     => $page,
                \'section\'  => $section,
                \'args\'     => array(
                    \'type\'     => \'select\',
                    \'items\'    => $this->get_resource_ids( $resource_type ),
            $resource_id                             = get_option( $this->option_prefix . \'newsletter_form_resource_id\', \'\' );

            if ( \'lists\' === $resource_type ) {
                $settings[ $section . \'_\' . $resource_type . \'_default_member_status\' ] = array(
                    \'title\'    => __( \'Default member status\' ),
                    \'callback\' => \'display_select\',
                    \'page\'     => $page,
                    \'section\'  => $section,
                    \'args\'     => array(
                        \'type\'     => \'select\',
                        \'items\'    => $this->get_member_statuses(),

            $item_keys = array();

            $subresource_types = get_option( $this->parent_option_prefix . \'subresource_types_\' . $resource_type, array() );

            if ( ! empty( $subresource_types[ $resource_type ] ) ) {
                $subresource_types = $subresource_types[ $resource_type ];

                foreach ( $subresource_types as $subresource_type ) {

                    $items = get_option( $this->parent_option_prefix . \'subresources_\' . $resource_id . \'_\' . $subresource_type, array() );

                    if ( ! empty( $items[ $resource_type ][ $resource_id ][ $subresource_type ] ) ) {

                        $subresources = $items[ $resource_type ][ $resource_id ][ $subresource_type ];

                        $methods = get_option( $this->parent_option_prefix . \'subresource_methods\', array() );

                        if ( ! empty( $methods[ $resource_type ][ $resource_id ][ $subresource_type ] ) ) {

                            $methods = $methods[ $resource_type ][ $resource_id ][ $subresource_type ];

                            foreach ( $subresources as $subresource ) {

                                foreach ( $methods as $method ) {

                                    $test_all_items = $this->get_all_items( $resource_type, $resource_id, $subresource_type, $subresource, $method );

                                    if ( ! empty( $test_all_items ) ) {

                                        foreach ( $test_all_items as $test_item ) {

                                            $settings[ $section . \'_\' . $subresource_type . \'_\' . $subresource . \'_\' . $method . \'_\' . $test_item[\'id\'] . \'_title\' ] = array(
                                                \'title\'    => __( \'Title\' ),
                                                \'callback\' => \'display_input_field\',
                                                \'page\'     => $page,
                                                \'section\'  => $section,
                                                \'args\'     => array(
                                                    \'type\'     => \'text\',

                                        } // End foreach().


                                } // End foreach().

                            } // End foreach().

                        } // End if().

                    } // End if().

                } // End foreach().

            }  // End if().

        } // End foreach().

    } // End if().

    foreach ( $settings as $key => $attributes ) {

        $id       = $this->option_prefix . $key;
        $name     = $this->option_prefix . $key;
        $title    = $attributes[\'title\'];
        $callback = $attributes[\'callback\'];
        $page     = $attributes[\'page\'];
        $section  = $attributes[\'section\'];
        $args     = array_merge(
                \'title\'     => $title,
                \'id\'        => $id,
                \'label_for\' => $id,
                \'name\'      => $name,
                \'class\'     => $class,

        add_settings_field( $id, $title, $callback, $page, $section, $args );
        register_setting( $section, $id );

    }  // End foreach().

* Default display for <input> fields
* @param array $args
public function display_input_field( $args ) {
    $type    = $args[\'type\'];
    $id      = $args[\'label_for\'];
    $name    = $args[\'name\'];
    $checked = \'\';

    $class = \'regular-text\';

    $value = esc_attr( get_option( $id, \'\' ) );
    if ( \'checkbox\' === $type ) {
        $value = filter_var( get_option( $id, false ), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
        if ( true === $value ) {
            $checked = \'checked \';
        $value = 1;
    if ( \'\' === $value && isset( $args[\'default\'] ) && \'\' !== $args[\'default\'] ) {
        $value = $args[\'default\'];

    echo sprintf( \'<input type="%1$s" value="%2$s" name="%3$s" id="%4$s" class="%5$s"%6$s>\',
        esc_attr( $type ),
        esc_attr( $value ),
        esc_attr( $name ),
        esc_attr( $id ),
        sanitize_html_class( $class, esc_html( \' code\' ) ),
        esc_html( $checked )

* Display for a dropdown
* @param array $args
public function display_select( $args ) {
    $type = $args[\'type\'];
    $id   = $args[\'label_for\'];
    $name = $args[\'name\'];
    $desc = $args[\'desc\'];
    if ( ! isset( $args[\'constant\'] ) || ! defined( $args[\'constant\'] ) ) {
        $current_value = get_option( $name );

        echo sprintf( \'<div class="select"><select id="%1$s" name="%2$s"><option value="">- Select one -</option>\',
            esc_attr( $id ),
            esc_attr( $name )

        foreach ( $args[\'items\'] as $key => $value ) {
            $text     = $value[\'text\'];
            $value    = $value[\'value\'];
            $selected = \'\';
            if ( $key === $current_value || $value === $current_value ) {
                $selected = \' selected\';

            echo sprintf( \'<option value="%1$s"%2$s>%3$s</option>\',
                esc_attr( $value ),
                esc_attr( $selected ),
                esc_html( $text )

        echo \'</select>\';
        if ( \'\' !== $desc ) {
            echo sprintf( \'<p class="description">%1$s</p>\',
                esc_html( $desc )
        echo \'</div>\';
    } else {
        echo sprintf( \'<p><code>%1$s</code></p>\',
            esc_html__( \'Defined in wp-config.php\', \'minnpost-form-processor-mailchimp\' )
我可以运行错误日志,其中register_settingadd_settings_field 方法被调用,并且所有值都匹配它们应该匹配的值。在这种情况下,节显示为“newsletter\\u form”。HTML模板(之前通过add_options_page) 如下所示:

<div id="main">
    <form method="post" action="options.php">
        settings_fields( \'newsletter_form\' ) . do_settings_sections( \'newsletter_form\' );
        <?php submit_button( __( \'Save settings\', \'minnpost-form-processor-settings\' ) ); ?>
我很难弄清楚嵌套选项为什么不保存。我进入wp-includes/option.php 尝试一些调试。

我跑了error_log( \'post is \' . print_r( $_POST, true ) ); 在里面,它确实有丢失的数据。然后我去了foreach ( $options as $option ) { 线路和ranerror_log( \'option is \' . $option ); 而且它没有丢失的数据。

所以有些东西阻止我丢失的字段添加到$options 大堆


1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Jonathan Stegall 整理而成



if ( ! isset( $_GET[\'page\'] ) || $this->slug !== $_GET[\'page\'] ) {
    return $options;
我经常使用它来避免在用户在管理员内部执行其他操作时进行不必要的API调用。但在这种情况下,当数据发布到Core的options.php, 当然是因为options.php 没有$_GET[\'page\'] 此插件所需的值。




好吧,两天以来我的WordPress博客出现了一个奇怪的问题。该网站在我的办公网络(Wi-Fi)上运行良好,我可以通过笔记本电脑或手机登录仪表板并发布内容。但是,当我回到家尝试登录时,wp admin页面会显示ERR\\u CONNECTION\\u TIMED\\u OUT error,或者有时会重定向到登录。php页面,并显示404未找到错误。我联系了我的主机,他们说服务器没有问题。奇怪的是,当我尝试在我的移动网络上登录网站时,这是一个不同的ISP,两天后我就面临着同样的问题。我清除了缓存,刷新了DN