我试图遵循this answer 对于一个类似的问题,这是我到目前为止提出的代码:
// Delete all intermediate image sizes
add_filter( \'intermediate_image_sizes\', \'__return_empty_array\', 99 );
// Add custom image sizes depending on post type
function add_custom_post_types_image_sizes( $metadata, $attachment_id ) {
$post_parent_id = wp_get_post_parent_id( $attachment_id );
// For books
if ( \'book\' === get_post_type( $post_parent_id ) ) {
// Add portrait thumbnail
add_image_size( \'portrait_thumbnail\', \'150\', \'215\', true );
// This doesn\'t work :
$file = get_attached_file( $attachment_id );
wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, $file ) );
return $metadata;
add_filter( \'wp_generate_attachment_metadata\', \'add_custom_post_types_image_sizes\', 10, 2 );
// Add image sizes for book outside
add_image_size( \'book_portrait_thumbnail\', \'150\', \'215\', true );
add_image_size( \'book_portrait_square\', \'300\', \'300\', true );
// Delete all intermediate image sizes
add_filter( \'intermediate_image_sizes\', \'custom_image_sizes\', 99 );
function custom_image_sizes( $image_sizes ) {
//In case of book return book sizes array
if( isset($_REQUEST[\'post_id\']) && \'books\' === get_post_type( $_REQUEST[\'post_id\'] ) ){
return array( \'book_portrait_thumbnail\', \'book_portrait_square\' );
// Otherwise the other ones
return $image_sizes;