Get Current User ID Inside a Loop返回0表示短码

时间:2019-08-28 作者:Aditya Agarwal

我有一个函数,它对给定作者的所有帖子都有一个循环。我使用get_current_user_id() 但这在循环中似乎不起作用,或者可能是它的短代码问题。我的函数在shortcode的帮助下运行。


function get_meta_value_by_meta_key(){

$author_id = \'get_current_user_id()\';
// do stuff to get user I
$author_posts = get_posts( array(\'author\' => $author_id, \'numberposts\' => -1 )); 
 // needed to collect the total sum of views
$counter = 0; 
// needed to collect the total sum of views echo 
\'<h3>Post views by Author:</h3><ul>\'; 
// do stuff to get author name
 foreach ( $author_posts as $post ) { 
$views = absint( get_post_meta( $post->ID, \'Creation_Views\', true ) ); 
$counter += $views; 
echo "<li>{$post->post_title} ({$views})</li>"; 
echo "</ul><hr /><p>Total Number of views: <strong>{$counter}</strong></p>";
 add_shortcode(\'Stats\', get_meta_value_by_meta_key);

我还试图手动验证其他一切是否正常,所以我只需将我的用户id放入$author_id 而且效果很好。


1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Chetan Vaghela 整理而成

您已添加get_current_user_id(); 在单引号中。请从中删除报价\'get_current_user_id()\';.

function get_meta_value_by_meta_key(){

   $author_id = get_current_user_id();
   // do stuff to get user I
   $author_posts = get_posts( array(\'author\' => $author_id, \'numberposts\' => -1 )); 
    // needed to collect the total sum of views
   $counter = 0; 
   // needed to collect the total sum of views 
   echo \'<h3>Post views by Author:</h3><ul>\'; 
    // do stuff to get author name
    foreach ( $author_posts as $post ) { 
       $views = absint( get_post_meta( $post->ID, \'Creation_Views\', true ) ); 
       $counter += $views; 
       echo "<li>{$post->post_title} ({$views})</li>"; 
    echo "</ul><hr /><p>Total Number of views: <strong>{$counter}</strong></p>";
 add_shortcode(\'Stats\', \'get_meta_value_by_meta_key\');



我为特定的Slug制作了一个视图模板第1-220页使用第页。php联系人使用页面联系人。php服务使用页面服务。php现在,我想在一个包含页面概述的“概述”页面上列出页面及其模板。php模板。我试过这个:<?php $args = array( \'post_type\' => \'page\', /* or just \'post\' */ \'posts_per_page\' => -1, ); $the_query = new WP_Qu