
时间:2020-03-08 作者:Bikram

我以前的插件将注释保存为type=“wp\\u review\\u comment”。我已经处理了前面的自定义字段,如下所示。但我很难将注释保存为自定义注释类型。

// Add default fields

function custom_fields($fields) {

        $commenter = wp_get_current_commenter();
        $req = get_option( \'require_name_email\' );
        $aria_req = ( $req ? " aria-required=\'true\'" : \'\' );

        $fields[ \'author\' ] = \'<p class="comment-form-author">\'.
            \'<label for="author">\' . __( \'Name\' ) . \'</label>\'.
            ( $req ? \'<span class="required">*</span>\' : \'\' ).
            \'<input id="author" name="author" type="text" value="\'. esc_attr( $commenter[\'comment_author\'] ) . 
            \'" size="30" tabindex="1"\' . $aria_req . \' /></p>\';

        $fields[ \'email\' ] = \'<p class="comment-form-email">\'.
            \'<label for="email">\' . __( \'Email\' ) . \'</label>\'.
            ( $req ? \'<span class="required">*</span>\' : \'\' ).
            \'<input id="email" name="email" type="text" value="\'. esc_attr( $commenter[\'comment_author_email\'] ) . 
            \'" size="30"  tabindex="2"\' . $aria_req . \' /></p>\';

        $fields[ \'url\' ] = \'<p class="comment-form-url">\'.
            \'<label for="url">\' . __( \'Website\' ) . \'</label>\'.
            \'<input id="url" name="url" type="text" value="\'. esc_attr( $commenter[\'comment_author_url\'] ) . 
            \'" size="30"  tabindex="3" /></p>\';

    return $fields;

// Add fields.

add_action( \'comment_form_logged_in_after\', \'additional_fields\' );
add_action( \'comment_form_after_fields\', \'additional_fields\' );

function additional_fields () {
    echo \'<p class="comment-form-title">\'.
    \'<label for="wp_review_comment_title">\' . __( \'Titley\' ) . \'</label>\'.
    \'<input id="wp_review_comment_title" name="wp_review_comment_title" type="text" size="30"  tabindex="5" /></p>\';

    echo \'<p class="comment-form-rating">\'.
    \'<label for="wp_review_comment_rating">\'. __(\'Ratingy: \') . \'<span class="required">*</span></label>
    <span class="commentratingbox">\';

    for( $i=1; $i <= 5; $i++ )
    echo \'<span class="commentrating"><input type="radio" name="wp_review_comment_rating" id="rating" value="\'. $i .\'"/>\'. $i .\'</span>\';



// Save the comment metadata along with the comment.

add_action( \'comment_post\', \'save_comment_meta_data\' );
function save_comment_meta_data( $comment_id ) {

    if ( ( isset( $_POST[\'wp_review_comment_title\'] ) ) && ( $_POST[\'wp_review_comment_title\'] != \'\') )
    $title = wp_filter_nohtml_kses($_POST[\'wp_review_comment_title\']);
    add_comment_meta( $comment_id, \'wp_review_comment_title\', $title );

    if ( ( isset( $_POST[\'wp_review_comment_rating\'] ) ) && ( $_POST[\'wp_review_comment_rating\'] != \'\') )
    $rating = wp_filter_nohtml_kses($_POST[\'wp_review_comment_rating\']);
    add_comment_meta( $comment_id, \'wp_review_comment_rating\', $rating );

// Check if the comment metadata has been filled or not

add_filter( \'preprocess_comment\', \'verify_comment_meta_data\' );
function verify_comment_meta_data( $commentdata ) {
    if ( ! isset( $_POST[\'wp_review_comment_rating\'] ) )
    wp_die( __( \'A rating is requird. Hit the BACK button and resubmit your review with a rating.\' ) );
    return $commentdata;
现在,我的注释保存为默认注释类型=“注释”。如何将注释保存为自定义注释类型“wp\\u review\\u comment”?

2 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Mikhail 整理而成


add_filter( \'preprocess_comment\', \'verify_comment_meta_data\' );
function verify_comment_meta_data( $commentdata ) {
    if ( ! isset( $_POST[\'wp_review_comment_rating\'] ) )
    wp_die( __( \'A rating is required. Hit the BACK button and resubmit your review with a rating.\' ) );
    // this is filter and $commentdata has comment_type parameter in it. so you need to do this
    $commentdata[\'comment_type\'] = \'wp_review_comment\';

    return $commentdata;
这将满足您的需要,但现在所有新创建的注释都将成为这种类型的wp_review_comment, 因此,如果您以另一种方式需要它们,那么您需要在这个过滤器中使用某种条件,而不是强制所有注释都使用wp_review_comment_rating 强迫他们wp_review_comment 类型或模具(),阻止保存。

看见https://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/tags/5.3/src/wp-includes/comment.php#L1874 有关更多详细信息

    $data = array(
    \'comment_post_ID\' => $post_id,
    \'comment_author\' => \'admin\',
    \'comment_content\' => $comment,
    \'user_id\' => $current_user->ID,
    \'comment_date\' => $time,
    \'comment_approved\' => 1,
    \'comment_type\' => \'custom-comment-class\'


