如何阻止Gutenberg Block触发多个GET请求?

时间:2021-02-10 作者:JAGENI Nat

I\'ve been building a Gutenberg Block that sends a GET request to the Woocommerce REST API.

It is composed of a text input that receives an ID of a product and fetches it to the Woocommerce REST API. It also has a button that fires a function to fetch the product with the API.

The issue with the GET Requests

The fetching works well, but it keeps sending multiple GET requests, even when I do not click the button to fire the function. Simply clicking the input sends multiple requests when I only need one everytime I change the ID and click the button.

I\'m importing WooCommerceRestApi from "@woocommerce/woocommerce-rest-api" and use Node.js.

The code

This is the first part of the edit function:

const edit = ({ attributes, setAttributes }) => {

    const blockProps = useBlockProps();

    // Wrapped the WooCommerce.get() function in a function named `fetchingId` to call it with a button
    const fetchingId = async (id) => {
      // The WooCoommerce.get() function
      const response = await WooCommerce.get(`products/${id}`)
        .then((response) => {
          setAttributes({ price: response.data.price });
          setAttributes({ name: response.data.name });
        .catch((error) => {
          setAttributes({ price: \'\' });
          setAttributes({ name: \'\' });



This is another part of the function: an input that updates the Product ID that is used for the GET request and a button linked to the fetchingId() function.

return <div {...blockProps}>
    <div class="wrapper-input" >
          label={__(\'ID du Produit\', \'ingredient-unique\')}
          onChange={(val) => setAttributes({ id: val })}
    <button onclick={fetchingId(attributes.id)}>Chercher le produit</button>

1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Tom J Nowell 整理而成


react组件需要尽快运行,即使需要执行的工作尚未完成。通过使用useEffect 您告诉React在渲染完成后运行一个单独的函数,这样您就有机会发出请求并让您的组件;效果;。React还允许您传递它将监视的依赖项列表,如果它们更改了效果,则重新运行。



const { isLoading, setLoading } = useState( false );
这样你就可以打电话setLoading( false ) 在您的useEffect 函数,然后在组件中显示加载消息





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