有没有办法让只保存在Contact Form7数据库中的用户查看WordPress的个人主页?

时间:2021-04-28 作者:Natzin


add_action (\'admin_init\',\'add_sub_caps\');
function add_sub_caps() {
    global $wp_roles;
    $role = get_role(\'subscriber\');

1 个回复


您需要将提交的数据保存到transient 并从重定向页面访问它,您可以确认访问者实际填写了表单。不需要私人页面,而是使用自定义页面模板来查看受限制的页面,并检查用户是否在页面模板顶部拥有访问权限,否则将重定向这些权限。


步骤1:确定当前提交的内容(这甚至适用于未登录的用户。)使用WPnonce 作为表单中的隐藏字段,并放置一个js脚本以重定向到页面successful submission event 使用anonymous function 挂在cf7上do_shortcode_tag 陈列filter,

function add_hidden_nonce($fields){
  $nonce = wp_create_nonce(\'cf7-redirect-id\');
  $fields[\'redirect_nonce\'] = $nonce;
   hook the shortcode tag filter using an anonymous function 
   in order to use the same nonce and place a redirect js event 
   script at the end of the form. 
  add_filter(\'do_shortcode_tag\', function($output, $tag, $attrs) use ($nonce){
    //check this is your form, assuming form id = 1, replace it with your id.
    if($tag != "contact-form-7" || $attrs[\'id\']!= 1) return $output;
    $script = \'<script>\'.PHP_EOL;
    $script .= \'document.addEventListener( "wpcf7mailsent", function( event ){\'.PHP_EOL;
    //add your redirect page url with the nonce as an attribute.
    $script .= \'    location = "http://example.com/submitted/?cf7="\'.$nonce.\';\'.PHP_EOL;
    $script .= \'  }\'.PHP_EOL;
    $script .= \'</script>\'.PHP_EOL;
    return $output.PHP_EOL.$script;
  return $fields;
步骤2:提交通过验证/发送电子邮件后,挂接cf7操作“wpcf7\\u mail\\u sent”。

add_action(\'wpcf7_mail_sent\', \'save_posted_data_into_transient\');
function save_posted_data_into_transient(){
  if(isset($_POST[\'redirect_nonce\'])){ //save the data.
    //save the posted data from the form.  Note if you have submitted file fields you will also need to store the $_FILES array.
    set_transient(\'_cf7_data_\'.$_POST[\'redirect_nonce\'], $_POST, 5*60); //5 min expiration.
步骤3:在重定向自定义页面上,您现在可以access your stored transient 数据,将其放置在自定义页面模板的顶部,

if( isset($_GET[\'cf7\']) ){
  $transient = \'_cf7_data_\'.$_GET[\'cf7\'];
  $data = get_transient($transient);
如果瞬态缺失、无效或cf7 nonce属性缺失,则只需redirect 通知用户必须填写表单才能访问该页面。
