
时间:2022-02-21 作者:Beaniie

如果我已经声明,viewScript 在我的街区。json文件。是否需要在register_block_type(); 功能也?(我认为5.9没有必要?)

My Block.json

"textdomain": "postcode-pricing-wizard",
"editorScript": "file:./index.js",
"viewScript": "file:./view.js",
"style": "file:./style-index.css"

My Problem


view.js 然而,我的前端不是在加载吗?我不太清楚为什么?

除非我误解了医生的意思Block Editor Handbook - Metadata

{ "viewScript": "file:./build/view.js" }

// Block type frontend script definition. 
// It will be enqueued only when viewing the content on the front of the site.
// Since WordPress 5.9.0 (My WP Version - 5.9)

这是我的register_block_type() 以备不时之需。

register_block_type( PPW_DIR_PATH . \'/build/pricing-wizard-block/\',
        \'render_callback\' => function( $attributes, $content ) {
            if(!is_admin()) {
                wp_localize_script( \'wp-block-ppw-postcode-pricing-wizard-js\', \'data\', [\'ajax_url\' => admin_url(\'admin-ajax.php\')]);

            include_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . \'/includes/block-editor/pricing-wizard-block/views\' . \'/block.php\';
            return ob_get_clean();

1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Beaniie 整理而成

Note to self, rest-up and re-read the docs.

所以答案是is written in the docs, 但相当隐晦。如果您查看Frontend Enqueueing 在块编辑器手册的第节中,您将看到以下语句。

Frontend Enqueueing #Frontend Enqueueing
Starting in the WordPress 5.8 release, it is possible to instruct WordPress to enqueue scripts and styles for a block type only when rendered on the frontend. It applies to the following asset fields in the block.json file:

- script
- viewScript (when the block defines render_callback during registration in PHP, then the block author is responsible for enqueuing the script)
- style
事实证明,我定义了render_callback 所以我确实需要手动将我的view.js 剧本

