Adding a Wizard to My Plugin

时间:2016-07-14 作者:Alan Storm


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是否有官方支持此Wordpress api和/或系统?或者这是crafy插件开发人员所做的事情?(该插件是WooCommerce——仅在特定插件重要的情况下提及,这不是一个(离题的)WooCommerce问题)



1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Ismail 整理而成

这就是WordPress API,用于此的适当工具是register_activation_hook 插件激活后立即触发,或after_setup_theme 如果你是为了一个主题而做这项工作。

下面是一个使用示例,代码应该放在主插件加载程序文件中,或者如果放在子目录中,则提供__FILE__ 主文件中的属性:

add_action( "admin_init", function(){
    if ( get_option( $opt_name = "se_show_my_plugin_wizard_notice" ) ) {
        delete_option( $opt_name );
        add_action( "admin_notices", "se_wizard_notice" );
    } return;

  * Check if user has completed wizard already
  * if so then return true (don\'t show notice)
function se_wizard_completed() {
    return false;

function se_wizard_notice() {

    if ( se_wizard_completed() ) return; // completed already

    <div class="updated notice is-dismissible">
        <p>Welcome to my plugin! You\'re almost there, but we think this wizard might help you setup the plugin.</p>
        <p><a href="admin.php?page=my_plugin_wizard" class="button button-primary">Run wizard</a> <a href="javascript:window.location.reload()" class="button">dismiss</a></p>



register_activation_hook( __FILE__, function() {
    update_option( "se_show_my_plugin_wizard_notice", 1 );