
时间:2019-09-25 作者:Lucifer Levi

我想知道这些主题是否使用Walker\\u Nav\\u菜单类。打开文件时,我看不到Walker\\u Nav\\u类,或者找不到它。我想知道他们用什么来显示菜单和子菜单。提前谢谢。

1 个回复
SO网友:Jacob Peattie

They just use the default markup. You only need to define your own walker class if you’re changing the markup from the default. Believe it or not, but it’s perfectly possible to create menus without Bootstrap!

The only exceptions to the default menu markup is that some of the default themes, like Twenty Nineteen, use the walker_nav_menu_start_el filter to add SVG social icons to its social links menu, and SVG icons for the dropdown indicators. But this does not involve a custom walker class.


Bootstrap Nav Walker子菜单图像

我想将图像添加到我的子菜单的每个项目中。目前,我已经在wordpress管理仪表板的每个菜单项中添加了一个自定义css类,并在css中添加了如下类:.menu-fildutemps::before{ content: url(\'myurl\') !important; } 但它并不适用于所有项目,只适用于第一个项目。有人能帮我吗?Bellow,我的导航代码输入header.php 如有必要: <nav class=\"navbar navbar-expand-lg navb